Whole30, Day 19--Changes I'm Noticing

Whole30, Day 19--Changes I'm Noticing

This morning when I woke up, I had to count the days to remember what day I'm on in the Whole30. I think that's a good thing, because it means I'm not agonizingly waiting for it to end. And for me, it's going by more quickly than I anticipated. Here's a calendar that Whole30 designed that covers a lot of the experiences you have on this journey:






The hardest day for me, by far, was day 14. According to the calendar, that's a hard time on any Whole30 journey. We upped the ante by having a birthday party for my son and the table was covered in chips, cookies and candy corn. It was so hard not to absent mindedly grab a chip as I walked by or to enjoy some candy corn--the most controversial of all Halloween candy (I'm a fan!!!). Not to mention that there were TEN 12-13 year old boys in my house, and my nerves were screaming for tequila. But I did it! I ate hamburgers and grapes and drank water and lived through it.

I'm happy to say that I am noticing positive improvements in the way I feel, which makes it easier to keep coasting through this round of Whole30. I started because I was having terrible inflammation and waking up with just about every part of my body hurting. That has drastically improved. I also think that my stomach is flatter and my face looks less puffy. I don't own a scale, but I did go to a doctor's appointment on Day 2, and have a follow up near the end of this Whole30, so that's the only way I'll know if my weight has changed. My jeans definitely fit better. I can clearly see that my husband has lost weight, which isn't surprising because men lose weight so easily (annoying!!).

According to the calendar, I should now be floating through the Tiger blood phase, and I have to be honest and say I don't think I've ever had that tiger blood energy in my life. The only time I've ever bolted out of bed wide awake and ready to go is if I hear a child or pet puking somewhere. I mean, I obviously get out of bed every morning, but I'm never happy about it. However, I have been waking up right before my 5:20 alarm every day and I feel like it's time to get up, so that's definitely something.

The only thing I'm kind of struggling with is nighttime eating. When my kids go to bed, I almost always grab a bag of chips or some chocolate and watch TV with my husband. Even after 19 days, my body wants to do that. When I make the grocery list now and don't include chips and snacks, it is really a lot smaller (not to mention cheaper!), and I think how unnecessary all of that is, and how much healthier I am without it. I hope my will power will extend past 30 days when it comes to this nighttime eating.

So am I the only one who isn't experiencing full on Tiger Blood during Whole30? I think my DNA is set up for lazy housecat blood. What are your experiences with energy levels during your Whole30?


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


Elizabeth Wood


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